The cost of hosting these online pedigrees is underwritten by BATW Web Services, the WebPed pedigree program, and Silkenswift Borzoi.
The pedigrees in this database are stored as individual records at this IHP, This means that you can provide a link to a pedigree or pedigree set from your website.
For example, if you wish to open the pedigree of a dog named Silkenswift Eli Pickle Hill you would look up the pedigree using the menus to the left and copy the URL from the "Location" line at the top of your Browser. Then the link will look like this:<a href="" target="_blank">Eli's pedigree</a>
If you would like to have a specific set of pedigrees available to link to from your website and listed under an individual index header, this service is available at a reasonable annual cost of $20 per year. You will be listed as the sponsor of that set of pedigrees and a link or links to your Borzoi related websites will be included on the introductory cover page for that pedigree set.
The current 48,000 Borzoi Heritage Database would occupy 1 and 1/2 GIGAabytes on a server as 6 generation pedigrees with accompanying individual data pages. The annual cost of hosting this on the servers would be roughly $300 a year. It is hoped that people in the Borzoi community interested in education and breed history will aid in meeting this cost.
Although every effort has been made to acheive correctness in these pedigrees, they cannot be certified as are completely correct and without error. The data in the pedigrees is derived as much as possible from official AKC records (stud books and AKC awards). In the case of Borzoi from countries other than the United States stud book pages, when available, have been the primary source of information. Corrections are solicited and should be e-mailed to:This database grew out of my interest in the inheritance of health and performance characteristics in Borzoi and was initially started as an aid to my own breeding program. As with such data collecting projects it soon became an end in its own on the principle that "anything worth doing is worth overdoing."
Initially the data was maintained by the use of a commercial MSDOS based program written by the late Larry Ritter called CompuPed(tm). After Larry's death it became necessary for me to devise an alternate way of accessing my extensive set of Borzoi records (over 48,000 dogs) and I learned to program and have been working on a program called WebPed in my spare time. If I could devote full attention to WebPed it would be completed now. However it has reached a stage in which it can process the record data and present it as useful pedigrees to be accessed by Borzoi fanciers via the internet.
I have spent significant amounts of money in the research work for data. Most of it on photocopies of stud book pages and in purchasing copies of studbooks and the AKC Awards magazine. I still need to purchase the Canadian studbooks which are $30 a year.
In addition I have spent many, many hours entering and validating the information into this database. The of building this file has been a labor of love to preserve the history of the Borzoi and make it available in a format that I sincerely hope others will find useful and enjoyable to use.
From 1995 to 1999 Jennifer Frank (Annwn) shared the duties of entering data. Jennifer's involvement was terminated by problems associated with the continued use of CompuPed after Larry Ritter's death in Dec of 1999.
Both Jennifer and I would like to publicly thank the many other Zoi lovers who shared pedigree and historical data that has been added to this file. I would like to encourage anyone using this file to feel free to contact them to share any information or data that could be added to the file.
If you find any errors in the animal's data records that you can quote a reliable source for the correct information, feel free to contact Bonnie Dalzell with that information by email (bdalzell at Q I S dot net) or land mail (Bonnie Dalzell, 5100 Hydes Rd, Hydes, MD 21082).
Many, many Borzoi fanciers have shared information with me. This generosity has greatly aided the compilation of this database. It has also been a lot of fun writing to them and speaking with them.
These helpful people include (in no particular order): Margaret L Davis (Australia) Jean Grush (Vera Borzoi, Nevada, USA), Kanne Earl Bowers (Kilkan Borzoi, Texas, USA), Lena Tamboer (Tam Boer Borzoi, New Jersey, USA), Sandy Holley Mckelvey (Shady Luck Borzoi, California, USA), Fern Lockrem (Pickle Hill Borzoi, California, USA), Shirley Rhinehold (Ghranger Borzoi, Washington State, USA), Mary Childs (Wind'n Satin Borzoi, Ohio, USA), Carol Kubiak (Phaedras Borzoi, New Jersey, USA), Denise Como (Wolfwind Borzoi, New Jesrey, USA), Vickie Sharp (Carbonel Borzoi, Virginia, USA), Patti Neale (Sylvan Borzoi, Florida, USA), Dulcie Long (Dolce Borzoi, Colorado, USA), Edwina Berg (Krasalov Borzoi, California, USA), Louenna Avery (Kostenov Borzoi, Vermont, USA), Audrey Benbow (Sirhan Borzoi, Canada), Aatis Lillstrom (Windhound Borzoi, Pennsylvania, USA).
During the time that the database was maintained in CompuPed there were some real limitations placed on names. It is planned that WebPed will be able to handle some of these issues more easily.
However the following comments still apply to much of the database which has been exported from CompuPed format and brought into the WebPed format.
Renaming dogs and changing names
In some registries including the AKC in the first half of the centuary, the name of a dog can be changed by a new owner. (AAARGH!!) In general the registration number does not change.
In England the name of the new Kennel may be added to the dog's name - thus Colhugh Caddie becomes Colhugh Caddie of Brisca. The English Kennel Club studbook refers to the old name as "late Colhugh Caddie". Where I am aware of this I have indicated the name addition in parentheses thus: Colhugh Caddie (of Brisca).
In the US the names were sometimes changed completely. I have tried to name changes in the notes field if there is too little space in the name field. In addition in the US after the the 1940's names were not able to be "officially" changed but some dogs have been advertised under modified names. One of the most common in old pedigrees being Thistle of Sunbarr who was generally advertised as Stillwater Thistle of Sunbarr. Another such was the bitch Birchwood Caspian P Zorya who was advertised as Birchwood Caspian Princess Zorya. The American dog imported to England in the 1930's was named Akuratni of Romanoff in the AKC studbook and in England was called Bransgore's Akuratni of Romanoff. Since adding the Bransgore really messed up the alphabetic search routine in CompuPed I entered kept him with his AKC registered name.
There is a major problem encountered in tracing pedigrees of the early dogs.
This problem is that studbooks did not enter the foreign registration numbers of an imported dog's foreign ancestors when entering the imported dog in the studbook as foundation stock. In addition typos and misspellings are common in the published pedigrees of these foundation dogs, even when published in a studbook. I attribute a lot of this to the difficulty of transcribing pedigrees from handwritten documents.
Mostly I have limited myself to entering dogs in this database that have a studbook reference of registration number.
Foundation dogs from the 1800's and early 1900's in the studbooks for which I have pages are generally present a with 2 or three generation pedigree. However the names of the dogs from Russia tended to be simple single word names (Kaissack, Molodyetz, Soudarka) and only rarely is a breeder's name associated with the dog's name. These simple names were not unique and were reused many times even within the same Russian kennel.
This leads to the problem of either deciding that all the dogs with Ataman I as a sire are really sired by the same Ataman I (No reg number) or creating a large number of different entries for different dogs named Ataman I.
I am hoping that this problem of ancestors of foundation dogs can be somewhat clarified in the future by a co-operative effort.
Additional confusion is caused by different transliterations of the Russian dog's Cyrillic names into Latin alphabets. Are Soudarka and Soodarka really the same bitch, what about Molodeitz and Molodyets, etc?
The fact that the Germans and Swiss write the sound that in English is a V as a W creates confusion as to wether Vyuga and Wjuga are the same or different Borzoi. Similarly: Wassal and Vassal. In addition the sound rendered in English by Y is rendered in German by the letter J. The German word for "yes" is spelled "Ja" but pronounced like the English "Yah" so it is much closer to English "yes" than it appears at first glance.
Ts, Tz, Cz and Cs are similarly transliterations for the same Russian letter Thus we have Tsar, Tzar, Csar and Czar (derived from the Latin Caesar)
However webped can conduct a search ignoring these differences and find all the dog's names Czar or Czarina no matter how you want to spell it. I have provided a special Czar/ina list for those who want to see these dogs.
Larry Ritter told me not to use 's (apostrophe s) in the names but I did not take this advice initially so the database became very confused since CompuPed sorrted kennel names without s, and with s and with 's on the end sorted to rather different parts of the name index. This resulted in a number of duplicated entries when there were a lot of dogs from a given kennel in the database.
WebPed does not have this problem and will find a dog wether you have put an apostrophy s on the end of its kennel name or not.
Within the dogs whose names were taken from studbook pages, I have gone with the use of 's as it is in the first publication of the dog's name in the studbook. Sometimes the AKC studbook has been inconsistant in this however. The initial publication will have an 's and then the dog will be listed as a parent without the 's.
Someday I am going to perform the experiment with the AKC of submitting two pups in the same litter with a registered name that differs only by an apostrophy s. Then I will see exactly how significant 's is to the AKC (at that date).
Compound names.
Since CompuPed also had problems in indexing names with hyphens to very different parts of the alphabtic index that hypen free names I eliminated most hypens. WebPed does not have this problem but it will be a long time before I can find the time to go back through the studbooks and return the hyphens when they occured.
Mostly I have gotten rid of all the hyphens. Ya-Boric would be rendered Ya Boric. If the name is YaBoric in some places and Ya Boric in other places and it is pre-1985 I have gone with whatever was the commonest use, and I prefer to spread the name if it was hyphenated - ie Ya Boric rather than YaBoric. However if it was generally written without a hypen then it is rendered in a condensed mode: ie TamBoer rather than Tam Boer.
The alphabetic sorting of names ignores the differences between upper and lower case so that was not a problem when we entered names.
Since WebPed's lookup routine can easily ignore hyphens, apostrophies and other non-alphabetic character future names will retain these marks as they are present in the studbooks or on registration certificates.