parents grandparents gg-parents ggg-parents gggg-parents ggggg-parents
Lasky du Zwaenhoek [Ped] [Bio] Asmodey O'Valley Farm (US > Ned) [Ped] [Bio] Postrel O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Defiance O'Valley Farms [Ped] [Bio] Postrel of Woronzova (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio] Pobidim (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Alyaska Perchino [Ped] [Bio]
Safa O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Nenagladni of Perchina (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Sorva of Woronzova (1905) (Russ To Us) [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Ronia (171585) (1913) also called Roma [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Lasky (1910) [Ped] [Bio] Pojar of Toula (1907) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Lasca (1906) [Ped] [Bio]
Holmes Sonia [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Obilska (1909) (1906) [Ped] [Bio]
Zulika (1905) [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Ounas O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Zyclon of Perchina [Ped] [Bio] Grozny (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] not in database
not in database
Zaplia II (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] not in database
not in database
Olga O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Sarinov O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Kopchic O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Sorva of Woronzova (1905) (Russ To Us) [Ped] [Bio]
Kankov O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Nenagladni of Perchina (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Valley Farm Hilda (1906) (1910) [Ped] [Bio]
Wartha Du Nord (*) [Ped] [Bio] Batay Perchino [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
Bleska Perchino [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
Gatschina Du Nord (*) [Ped] [Bio] Tchegol Perchino [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
Kitty du Schomohoek [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
WebPed Pedigree of: Dvorjantschik Canip [Ped] [Bio] Born: 1-31-1927 Color: wh rd plates Sex: male COI: 0.9428403%
Czarica v Hohenzollern [Ped] [Bio] Bojar Kozak [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Almadin Nikolskoi [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio] Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio]
Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio]
Jalta Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] not in database
not in database
Ger Ch Ptitschka Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] Masskok Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] Grassny I Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Nega Furst Schimisky Schminakoff (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Porhouschka Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] Popedin Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Aliasska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Blanda Achotnik [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Almadin Nikolskoi [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio] Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio]
Jalta Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Ger Ch Ptitschka Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] Masskok Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Porhouschka Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Planja Pascholl [Ped] [Bio] Boris v Dom [Ped] [Bio] Durak Tolbiac [Ped] [Bio]
Bjalka V Stadtpark [Ped] [Bio]
Butterfly Ural [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Ugo Alexandroff [Ped] [Bio]
Rodina Alexandroff [Ped] [Bio]
Anka v Hohenzollern [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Nikolskoi [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio] Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio]
Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio]
Jalta Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] not in database
not in database
Ger Ch Ptitschka Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] Masskok Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] Grassny I Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Nega Furst Schimisky Schminakoff (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Porhouschka Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] Popedin Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Aliasska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Vaska v Federsee [Ped] [Bio] Tschai Frisia Pascholl [Ped] [Bio] Chack Bielaja [Ped] [Bio] Vigow (v d Moritzburg) (Russ no ped) [Ped] [Bio]
Marza Steinach Bielaja [Ped] [Bio]
Mara Pascholl [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio]
Butterfly Ural [Ped] [Bio]
Tosca v Gessenberg [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio] Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio]
Jalta Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio]
Troika v Gessenberg [Ped] [Bio] Ataman Perchino (Rus?) [Ped] [Bio]
Ger Ch Trojanka Alexandroff [Ped] [Bio]

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