parents |
grandparents |
gg-parents |
ggg-parents |
gggg-parents |
ggggg-parents |
Am Ch Greyhaven Mahogany Trinrose [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Greyhaven the Pendragon [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Lythe Heartbreak Hotel [Ped] [Bio] |
AmCn Ch Lythe Moon & Sixpence [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Debonaire Dariavaush Nothus [Ped] [Bio] |
AmCn Ch Sirhan Kaissack [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Dalusha [Ped] [Bio] |
Kishniga's Hunter's Moon [Ped] [Bio] |
AmCn Ch Kishniga's Poh Ardagan [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Ruby De Bolshoy [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Sirhan Vedma [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Sirhan Palauskey II [Ped] [Bio] |
Sirhan Podar of Sunbarr [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Sirhan Katya [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Sirhan Mirage [Ped] [Bio] |
AmCn Ch Sirhan Kaissack [Ped] [Bio] |
Daragoj Miranda of Sirhan [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Greyhaven Wind In The Willow [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Cathcade Promised One [Ped] [Bio] |
Conamor Christoff Cade [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Chudak of Romanoff [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Hasu's Elena of Conamor CD [Ped] [Bio] |
Conamor White Lace N Promises [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Conamor Count Tauskey CD [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Conamor Chantilly De Foret [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Majenkir Rian Palantiri FCh [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Majenkir Gyrfalcon FCh [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Majenkir Sverkai Snow Stag CD [Ped] [Bio] |
Majenkir Alicia Alexandra [Ped] [Bio] |
Majenkir Pegeen [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Majenkir Apollonian Tsar [Ped] [Bio] |
Shadybrook Swan of Wilolea [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Insight's Hecuva [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Koroba's Genesis [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Koroba's Osiris Behzin Lug [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh The Flying Dutchman (Dutch To Can) [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Xotty v Troybhiko (Dutch To Can) [Ped] [Bio] |
Valuska V D Kristelhoff (Dutch To Can) [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Laba's Alexis of Khurasan [Ped] [Bio] |
Piotr Illjitsch v Borjoschka (Ned>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Moonglow Tsepa of Wilolea [Ped] [Bio] |
Dimitri Donskoi's Eroica [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Tolkaia's Asmodey [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Xosip v Troybhiko [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Vorenoff Kismet Tolkaia [Ped] [Bio] |
Dimitri Donskoi's Birgit [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Orlow's Orjol [Ped] [Bio] |
Zanouchka [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Insight's Elbereth Githoniel [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Insight's Cujo Karatai [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Koslovka's Bilbo Baggins [Ped] [Bio] |
Aclockwork Avalanche [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Laba's Diavichka [Ped] [Bio] |
Insights Magnificent Marnie [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Koslovka's Aragorn Strider [Ped] [Bio] |
Koroba's Dsepa [Ped] [Bio] |
Ruoff's Cameo Blue [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Koroba's Genesis [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Koroba's Osiris Behzin Lug [Ped] [Bio] |
Dimitri Donskoi's Eroica [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Ruoffs Arora [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Tandoori's Bernd Ruoff First [Ped] [Bio] |
CnCh Tandoori's Autumn Leaf [Ped] [Bio] |
WebPed Pedigree of:
Lythe Rose Tattoo [Ped] [Bio]
Born: 1-7-2002 Color: Sex: NULL COI: 2.5037499%
Stillwat'r Lyth' Runaway Bride [Ped] [Bio] |
(see note) Zilver Jubilée V Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Sholwood Silver Fox [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicro's Zilver Shadow Of Dimland [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicro's Russian Zovit [Ped] [Bio] |
LeiCro's Russian Zhieftan [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicro's Russian Zokker [Ped] [Bio] |
Swed Ch Astafiev Snow Sybil (US>Swed) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Astafiev Majenkir Mikiev [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Kumasan Astafiev Cream Puff [Ped] [Bio] |
Sholwood Sweet Magnolia [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jubilee [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater The Tennessean [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Hoedown [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Stillwater Virginia Reel(US>Eng) [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater The Tennessean [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Hoedown [Ped] [Bio] |
Tamara v Triumfus Dyonisos (Ned) [Ped] [Bio] |
Nadir v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
Orlow's Kurgan (Swiss) [Ped] [Bio] |
Azovka du Comté de Gruère [Ped] [Bio] |
Orlow's Jorsa [Ped] [Bio] |
Islaya v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Iwanusjka v Troybhiko [Ped] [Bio] |
Borislawa v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
Krallja v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Iwanusjka v Troybhiko [Ped] [Bio] |
Olaf Ismailoff (1970's) [Ped] [Bio] |
Bawa v Troybhiko [74] [Ped] [Bio] |
Dobrowolska v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
Atamen v Triumfus Dyonisos [Ped] [Bio] |
Kalina v Bergland [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Fly With Me [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Whiffenpoof [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Stillwater Jerusalem Ridge [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Shenandoah II [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Comin'Thro The Rye [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Yadasar Black Orchid (UK > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Unclouded Day [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jubilee [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Stillwater Virginia Reel(US>Eng) [Ped] [Bio] |
Stilwater O'l'll Flyaway [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Comin'Thro The Rye [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jubilee [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Stillwater Virginia Reel(US>Eng) [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Yadasar Black Orchid (UK > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Francehill Pickwick [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Tayu Casmilla of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Bernadette [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jubilee [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater The Tennessean [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Thistle of Sunbarr [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Kracota Krashne II [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Hoedown [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Golden Boy of Barinsky [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Stillwater R'Hahone Hoheit [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jacl'n of Czergoah [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Jubilee [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater The Tennessean [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Hoedown [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Stillwater Virginia Reel(US>Eng) [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater The Tennessean [Ped] [Bio] |
Stillwater Hoedown [Ped] [Bio] |