parents |
grandparents |
gg-parents |
ggg-parents |
gggg-parents |
ggggg-parents |
Hammonds Gordey [Ped] [Bio] |
Sirioschka's Grechko Gaviril (Norw>UK) [Ped] [Bio] |
SwedNordCh Leicro's Russian Zartugas [Ped] [Bio] |
Swed Ch LeiCro's Zmirnoff [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Daragoj Waschja [Ped] [Bio] |
Vasaravuoren Enrico [Ped] [Bio] |
Roxane (Swiss>Finn) [Ped] [Bio] |
Ninotcka [1968? Swed] [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Ekhaga Nicolaus [Ped] [Bio] |
Reyas Rudbeckia [Ped] [Bio] |
LeiCro's Russian Zogra [Ped] [Bio] |
LeiCro's Zargo [Ped] [Bio] |
Fargo of Golden-West [Ped] [Bio] |
Ninotcka [1968? Swed] [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh V'Indra's Vanity (US>Swed) [Ped] [Bio] |
V'Indra's Saint George [Ped] [Bio] |
V'Indra Alpine Phantom Flight [Ped] [Bio] |
Astarte Atlanta [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicro's Russian Z'splendid Copy Jr [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Leicro's Z'splendid Copy [Ped] [Bio] |
(see note) Nikolia of Obskaya (US > Swed) [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh V'Indra's Vanity (US>Swed) [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicros Zorina [Ped] [Bio] |
Fargo of Golden-West [Ped] [Bio] |
Ninotcka [1968? Swed] [Ped] [Bio] |
LeiCro's Russian Ztarlight [Ped] [Bio] |
Leicro's Black Captain V'Indra (US>Swed) [Ped] [Bio] |
V'Indra's Shibanov [Ped] [Bio] |
Samovaroff Top Lady [Ped] [Bio] |
LeiCro's Zilla [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Daragoj Waschja [Ped] [Bio] |
Ninotcka [1968? Swed] [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Teesheena of Hammonds [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Khristov [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Nachal [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Harorshyi [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Zomahli Gordey (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Narida [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Iskra Of Racingold [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Gueroy [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Narida [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Ebony [Ped] [Bio] |
Vorenoff Draco [Ped] [Bio] |
Irl Ch Runskoff Ivanovitch [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Ruth of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Roksana [Ped] [Bio] |
Arthur Of Wythalsade [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Helga Of Brantoff [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Nadesda [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Harorshyi [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Zomahli Gordey (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Black Diamond of Enolam [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Nayada [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Narida [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Keepers Douteuse [Ped] [Bio] |
Stovnoi Sahra Of Odysheshay [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Iskra Of Racingold [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Gueroy [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Black Diamond of Enolam [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Nayada [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Narida [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Keepers Douteuse [Ped] [Bio] |
Stovnoi Sahra Of Odysheshay [Ped] [Bio] |
WebPed Pedigree of:
Sehguh Zorovitch [Ped] [Bio]
Born: 7-26-1987 Color: Sex: NULL COI: 7.9372008%
Kika Smirnova [Ped] [Bio] |
Honebon Voronin [Ped] [Bio] |
Demerlay Danny Boy [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Esmerillion [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Grand Manner of Colhugh [Ped] [Bio] |
Lataband Alexi [Ped] [Bio] |
Reyas Red Plume [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Falconcrag Zsa Zsa [Ped] [Bio] |
Barthill Feodorovitch [Ped] [Bio] |
Lataband Anita [Ped] [Bio] |
Tajmirs Black Enchantress [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Borjakir of Tajmirs [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Deanlands Boris [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Zephyr [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Ebony [Ped] [Bio] |
Vorenoff Draco [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Roksana [Ped] [Bio] |
Nakora Bezeka of Honebon [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Khristov [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Nachal [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Zomahli Harorshyi [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Iskra Of Racingold [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Ebony [Ped] [Bio] |
Vorenoff Draco [Ped] [Bio] |
Falconcrag Roksana [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Nakora Aludka [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Sholwood Seraph [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Keepers Michaelangelo (Eng>Finn) [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Keepers Angeline Les Angels [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Hazyaika [Ped] [Bio] |
EnAm Ch Zomahli Gordey (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Zomahli Narida [Ped] [Bio] |
Manitias Mytarka [Ped] [Bio] |
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