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Czarim of Orloff [Ped] [Bio] |
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WebPed Pedigree of:
Tarasoff of Orloff [Ped] [Bio]
Born: 2-27-1919 Color: blk wh Sex: male COI: 0%
Orczmy of Orloff [Ped] [Bio] |
Yarki of Perchina [1911] [Ped] [Bio] |
Yestreb (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Shvryraij Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Vakhlak Perchina (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Chodlik II (Durasoff) (to Perchino) [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga (Waltzoff From Sokoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Sorka Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Savladai (Yermoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Sirotka [Ped] [Bio] |
Aragva Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Serdyetschny (Vassilchikoff)(1891>Perch) [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga (Waltzoff From Sokoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Grosa (II?)(Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Zygan (Perchino) [Ped] [Bio] |
Sokrouchai Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Serdyetschny (Vassilchikoff)(1891>Perch) [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga (Waltzoff From Sokoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Podruska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Varvar (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Grosa (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Alupka Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
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Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Serdyetschny (Vassilchikoff)(1891>Perch) [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga (Waltzoff From Sokoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Queen of The Olives [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Ramsden Ranger (Eng>Ger) [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Padiham Nordia [Ped] [Bio] |
Fedia [KCSB 1897] [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Velsk [KCSB 1895] [Ped] [Bio] |
Grand Duchess Alma 96 [Ped] [Bio] |
Norah [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Korotai [Gleboff Rus>Eng] [Ped] [Bio] |
Windle Dainty [Ped] [Bio] |
Dainty [KCSB 1903] [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Kieff [KCSB 1901] [Ped] [Bio] |
Fedia [KCSB 1897] [Ped] [Bio] |
Ina [KCSB 1897] [Ped] [Bio] |
Maid of Honour [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Windle Courtier [Ped] [Bio] |
Ruskilda (Rus To Eng ?) [Ped] [Bio] |
Birchfield Lill [Ped] [Bio] |
Volchock [KCSB 1906] [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Kieff [KCSB 1901] [Ped] [Bio] |
Fedia [KCSB 1897] [Ped] [Bio] |
Ina [KCSB 1897] [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Miss Piostri [Ped] [Bio] |
Piostri [KCSB 1900] [Ped] [Bio] |
Princess Rubykoff [Ped] [Bio] |
Wulfruna Feodora [Ped] [Bio] |
Kharoshie [KCSB Russ > UK 1899 ?] [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
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Flavia (Eng?) [Ped] [Bio] |
Windle Earl [Ped] [Bio] |
Piatnitza 96 [Ped] [Bio] |