parents |
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ggg-parents |
gggg-parents |
ggggg-parents |
Czernick de Norois [Ped] [Bio] |
Almas v d Sabatchnaja Izba [Ped] [Bio] |
Kretschet (USSR>Ned)(USSR MOOnr23337) [Ped] [Bio] |
Buyan (Leibur) (USSR) S-6 [Ped] [Bio] |
Vihr (USSR) (Engels) [Ped] [Bio] |
Russ Ch Grosny (USSR) (Engels) [Ped] [Bio] |
Veselka (USSR) (Engels) [Ped] [Bio] |
Molva II (USSR) Senetschkin) [Ped] [Bio] |
Russ Ch Grosny (USSR) (Engels) [Ped] [Bio] |
Metschta (USSR) (Senetschkin) [Ped] [Bio] |
Russ Ch Golubka (alt Galoebka)(USSR) (1011 / bp) [Ped] [Bio] |
Valday (alt Waldai) (USSR) (Gilyarov) [Ped] [Bio] |
Zagar [Zotova G][aka Sloim - Prosdova] [Ped] [Bio] |
Zolushka (USSR) (Prozdova) [Ped] [Bio] |
Eruga (Giljaroff) (USSR) [Ped] [Bio] |
Tersai [Geyluchova O A] [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga [Geyluchova O A] [Ped] [Bio] |
Sorva v d Sabatchnaja Izba [Ped] [Bio] |
Kumir (USSR > Ned)(MJVnr023336) [Ped] [Bio] |
Buyan (Leibur) (USSR) S-6 [Ped] [Bio] |
Vihr (USSR) (Engels) [Ped] [Bio] |
Molva II (USSR) Senetschkin) [Ped] [Bio] |
Russ Ch Golubka (alt Galoebka)(USSR) (1011 / bp) [Ped] [Bio] |
Valday (alt Waldai) (USSR) (Gilyarov) [Ped] [Bio] |
Eruga (Giljaroff) (USSR) [Ped] [Bio] |
Petruschka v Lewanoff [Ped] [Bio] |
Foekje's Lewan v Vredewold [Ped] [Bio] |
Dimitrof V Vredewold [Ped] [Bio] |
Amulet's Foekje v Vredewold [Ped] [Bio] |
Planja Petruschka Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio] |
Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio] |
(see note) Moja Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio] |
Yskra of Volga (US>Swiss) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Vronsky of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Sunbarr's Zaratove [Ped] [Bio] |
Zandor of Malora III [Ped] [Bio] |
Marbob's Romulus of Malora [Ped] [Bio] |
Lila De Orona [Ped] [Bio] |
Gay Toinette of Malora [Ped] [Bio] |
Dark Hazard of Malora [Ped] [Bio] |
Haljean's Mystery [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Cergewna Is Slonowaja (Swis > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Batruk v d Hatz [Ped] [Bio] |
Ivo Rasmus [Ped] [Bio] |
Askania v d Hatz [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Natascha des Essertons [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio] |
Fleurette V Bergland [Ped] [Bio] |
Yana of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Vronsky of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Sunbarr's Zaratove [Ped] [Bio] |
Zandor of Malora III [Ped] [Bio] |
Gay Toinette of Malora [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Cergewna Is Slonowaja (Swis > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Batruk v d Hatz [Ped] [Bio] |
InCh Natascha des Essertons [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Nadja of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Varatai of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Sunbarr's Zaratove [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Cergewna Is Slonowaja (Swis > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Vikra of Volga [Ped] [Bio] |
Sunbarr's Zaratove [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Cergewna Is Slonowaja (Swis > US) [Ped] [Bio] |
WebPed Pedigree of:
InCh Ynjuscha v Zarskoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Born: 0-0-0 Color: Sex: female COI: 0%
Meteliza (Kama) (UDSSR>Austria) [Ped] [Bio] |
Viking (USSR) (137/bp) [Ped] [Bio] |
Bistri (Ledneff) (USSR) [Ped] [Bio] |
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Volna (Ledneff) (USSR) [Ped] [Bio] |
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Ora (UDSSR) (163bp) [Ped] [Bio] |
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